This is a Journal entry by Ivan the Terribly Average

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Post 41


It's really really easy to get around all this problem & staysmiley - zen

Don't own a DVD player, in fact, don't even own a smiley - yikes video player; ultimate Nirvana can be reached by not even owning a TV. Do draw the line at no music system though & of course a broadband internet connection is the birthright of us all.

smiley - musicalnote"I was born with a modem plug in my mouth"smiley - musicalnote


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Post 42

Ivan the Terribly Average

I wish I had broadband. smiley - wah

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Post 43


Can't you get it in kangaland?

(Broadband that is<smirk&gtsmiley - winkeye


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Post 44

Ivan the Terribly Average

Oh, I can get it, that's not really a problem. smiley - smiley

I can get broadband too, if I feel like paying too much. By the end of next year I might have done something about it.

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Post 45


You don't really have to pay much more to get the "all singing/all dancing/stays awake all night & makes the tea" type here than yer bog standard "turn me on & turn me off" type here luckily.

It's just a problem trying to educate the men to behave like a decent modem.


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Post 46

Ivan the Terribly Average

So, you want one that trills and beeps and emits that strange twangy noise when connecting...?

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Post 47


I swear to soundless impulse connection. smiley - silly

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Post 48

Ivan the Terribly Average

Wireless would be my ideal.

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Post 49


Yes, the wired ones are high-speed, but get distracted easily.

...Oh, you mean modems.

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Post 50


Wireless is totally fab! Noggin has a laptop with wifi so we can take it anywhere in the flat and still be connected to the internet.

It's especially nice during the winter months, cuddling up under the duvet with the laptop. Not having to get out of bed to check email, etc, or hootoo . . .


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Post 51


But does it make the smiley - tea & feed thesmiley - cat??? Ideally, also go to the toilet for you.


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Post 52


Well, mostly Noggin makes the smiley - coffee and feeds the smiley - cat s (at least first thing in the morning). Still have to pee for myself though . . . which is quite annoying at 4am!


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Post 53


tsk tsk.

*Resist Terri, resist. Do not make evil puns involving a nice warm pussy being the answer to this problem.


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Post 54

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I still cannot for the life of me bypass the region encoding mechanism on my DVD player. smiley - cross I've consulted a dozen or more sources, all of which offer the same procedure. It doesn't work. smiley - cross

Of course, it's only a handful of UK DVDs I'm unable to play, but it would be nice to do so. They won't play on the Mac, either. smiley - erm

I have a wireless modem, as well, though I haven't got a notebook computer. I just didn't want cabling along my floor, and the cable comes in the living room, while the computer's in the next room over. I like broadband- though it is expensive, at $62 a month for something I don't get to use as often as I used to. We just keep it around for the quick downloads. smiley - winkeye

I think my computer is on its last leg. Keep fingers crossed it holds out till the summer, when the car note will be paid off and the insurance premiums will be paid for the year. Then hopefully I can afford to have one put together using some of the bits I already have. And a shiny new DVD burner would be smiley - cool.

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Post 55


You've lost me on most of this, other than "broadband" which means you can switch it on when you get up & off when you pass out.

Your computer is "on its last leg"??? Eeek, what the hell happened to the other one; or did you specifically buy a disabled computer? (awww!)

I see nobody has worked out (or more likely are ignoring in the hope i shut up & go away) the solution to the inconvenient pee problem & connection with warm pussy. It is not at all rude; put your naughty little brain cells back.

A catheter.

smiley - run


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Post 56

Ivan the Terribly Average

smiley - groan

I don't know, here I am at the office, trying to force myself to do w*rk, and instead I'm reading catheter jokes. Oh dear oh dear. *slaps own wrist*

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Post 57


Now now; if you slap your wrist too hard, you will get Repetetive Strain Injury & won't be able to w**k properly; they may have to send you home to rest the wrist, "resist arrest" they cry!


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Post 58


I suppose adolescent boys get Repetitive Stain injury when Mother chides them over the state of their sheets?

I should toddle off to the willy thread really. Dunno what's Wong with me tonight; maybe need a Chinese takeaway.


20/1/05 Press 'pause' to exist.21:56 Great Britain Time.

Post 59


Oh so you took the top off your DVD player?
I don't need to do any of that as mine plays all
including American DVD's well it's got to do lol it's only 4 year's old and cost £369.00 that's English pounds, now you can get DVD players for as little as £14.99p eg (14pounds and 99pence from Asda that's a food supermarket that sells electical stuff as well as clothes etc:

smiley - biggrin
smiley - smiley
smiley - rainbow
smiley - hug

20/1/05 Press 'pause' to exist.21:56 Great Britain Time.

Post 60

psychocandy-moderation team leader

The first thing I'm buying now that I've got that huge raise, is a region-free DVD player.

Then I have plans to upgrade the whole stereo system... although apparently the better half has even far more sinister plans in the A/V department. I'm thinking high-end amp, new cassette deck, good quality receiver, and 10 or 15 CD changer? Oh, and some kick-@$$ Peavey or Yamaha speakers. smiley - drool Our current turntable should be fine as long as I can locate a replacement needle and sme cables to ground it with. smiley - winkeye

Sorry for the digression into my electronic fantasies...

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