This is a Journal entry by DickieP

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Things have been so hectic lately that I've hardly had time to think, let alone add h2g2 entries.
My new job kicked in around the end of the first week in June, so I've been racing round the UK to meet people, get information, attend seminars and generally get to grips with what I'm meant to be doing. It seems it's my job (along with others) to document the current working practises in the corporation, then work out how to scrap them all and get SAP to work. A long, long job. Estimates for job finish vary between June and December 2001. Eeek!
Whilst all this has been happening, I found a house I wanted to buy. It's in Bristlington - a pleasant 3 bed end-of-terrace place. Things have gone suspiciously smoothly with the house and it looks like I might be able to move in there early in August. Still, something's got to go right for a change, I suppose.
Not had much chance to see many people of late, so I've got lots of making up and catching up to do with various folk.
Otherwise, life is pretty normal. I'm happier to be doing my new job than my old one, which is a good sign and, hopefully, now that I'm not writing webpages all day, I'll be able to get on with the stuff I planned to do for myself at home.

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