This is a Journal entry by DickieP

Eyestorm banner

Post 1


Now, bless those lovely people at Eyestorm for giving h2g2 a banner and therefore much needed revenue, but I have a problem with it.
I've had a quick look at the Eyestorm site and it's a good resource for those that need that kind of thing - I have absolutely no problems with the company. However, the banner is terrible. 8 pictures that nobody in their right mind would want anyway, plus they have been reduced by someone who has very little concept of how to present small images on the web. I can hardly see what half of them are, and the rest look like very badly framed/focussed pictures.
I don't know who makes the banners (the company or h2g2) but someone needs to pull their finger out.
Rant over.

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Eyestorm banner

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