This is a Journal entry by DickieP

Using the internet

Post 1


I think I have finally reached the stage where I am using the internet as both an entertainment and information tool, as it is meant to be. For the last few years, I have been surfing pretty much aimlessly and not feeling particularly satisfied with what I was coming up with. I fell into the trap of being overwhelmed by the sheer size and scale of the net, without actually determining what it was I wanted from this magnificent beast. Now I have come to realise that I want a number of things and I feel that I have found them (to a limited degree - I'm sure there's lots of stuff I don't know about yet). The things I look for are:
social interaction
lots and lots of content
The kind of sites that I now enjoy are updated pretty much daily, they have places for me to contribute, either privately, as in this journal space, or for public consumption, they do not ask me for money or burden me with having to contribute something (I can just surf them and leave), and they are something that I would like to share with others. I know that this pretty much sums up what the net is all about, but it's quite a revelation to me to find that I am now enjoying it "to the max". No more looking at a search engine screen and ondering what I want to look at, I just go into one of my favourite sites and see what's there. If it sparks my interest, I stay, if it doesn't, I nick off and look at something else.
It's nice to know I'm doing it right at last.

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Using the internet

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