This is a Journal entry by Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

League Cup 3, Treble 1

Post 1

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

Well, well, well. When they win, they're the best team in Europe. When they lose, they're unlucky.

Or they blame the weather.

Or both.

Fergie claimed that the rain "ruined" their passing. Of course, Tottenham, not being known for their passing game, didn't face this problem at all. And as we all know, it never rains in Manchester.

And a spokesman for a Man Utd fanzine said they lacked that little bit of luck in front of goal. So that's what won them the Treble then.

So, Tottenham "striker crisis" Hotspur 3, Manchester "which international pairing shall we choose today" United 1.

Wilkommen Kaiserslauten.

League Cup 3, Treble 1

Post 2

Opinionated Lurker

not wanting to defend fergie in any way, but, many sportsmen
find the philosophy "I only ever lose due to my mistakes,
an ailment, bad luck, the rain etc" as the best approach
to a positive mental attitude, taking success out of the hands of
the opponent and putting it into their own hands or the hands of
'god'. Americans adopt this approach more than most.

Fergie must have read that management book somewhere.

League Cup 3, Treble 1

Post 3

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

Now that Gordon Strachan is a breath of fresh air - and that John Gregory too. Say it how they see it - and quite happy to blame a poor performance at times. None of this "why can't they just give us three points so Edwards won't moan about the bus fare" whinging that you get up north.

League Cup 3, Treble 1

Post 4

Opinionated Lurker

nice to see coventry and villa deemed 'not up north'

League Cup 3, Treble 1

Post 5

Zebedee (still Pool God after all these years)

Well, I can be perfectly derogatory about teams that would be moderately successful if they played north of the border instead, but I won't bother just now

League Cup 3, Treble 1

Post 6


Please, please, don't associate all of us who hail from northern England with MUFC plc.
Most of us have the good taste to hate the Red Scum too.

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