This is a Journal entry by ex4thhussar

Ron's Photo Album as on 10-06-04

Post 1


Ron's Photo Album Index (as on 10-06-04)

Strictly for my own benefit (but also for all those who find life is too short to run around this site looking for photos) I give below an list of all the stories I have submitted to-date, PLUS the images I have attached.
1. Ron's Grand Tour (2156564)
A Map of my travels, courtesy of Ron Tee of 56 Recce
2. Five Sons, all serving in H.M.Forces (A2025028)
A montage of the five Goldstein boys in uniform
3. Waiting to be called up (A2416268)
My father's factory in London showing Dad,Jack,Lou and I
4. Early Army Days,October 1942 (A2176616)
A page from my AB64 Part 1 showing innoculations
5. Training to be a Driver/Wireless Operator (A2065853)
My first Army photo, taken at Whitby, aged 19
6. Not my worst night, by any means (A1996860)
Studio photo taken in Egypt
7. A Driver/Op in Light Ack Ack (A2077274)
The No.19 wireless set, type used by myself both in the LAA and the 4th QOH
8. Sicily, then on to Italy (A2370674)
Street photo taken in Bari, Sept 1943
9. Monte Cassino, March to May 1944 (A2293616)
10. Two weeks in dock in Naples.... (A2274761)
11. The 78th Div goes to Egypt to re-fit and re-form (A2515475)
The Pyramids, I'm on the 3rd Camel from the right
12. Day leave in Rome (A1941383)
Street photo in Rome, 21st June 1944
13. Transformation from Gunner to Trooper (A2601839)
Pete Burns, myself and Ken Atkinson at Rieti
14. Joining the 4th Queen's Own Hussars (A2310003)
'A' Sdrn. Official Photo, Austria 1945
15. German Propaganda Leaflets (A2297333)
One of seven leaflets in my Army Album
16. The day my brother Mick nearly killed me (A2352647)
Mick and I on AJEX parade, 1992
17. Diary entries 11th April 1945 (A2017630)
Me and my Bren Gun Carrier at Trieste 18. The day I should have died (A2513134)
19. The War ends in Italy, 2nd May 1945 (A2039113)
On guard at our POW camp at Ferndorf
20. VE Day, as seen from a field near Venice (A2324189)
Myself and the Clock Tower in Venice
21. Keeping a Diary in Wartime (A2509021)
22. Jun ’45 Danke Herr Mix! (A2072350)
1936 photos of my billets and German troops
23. Life in wartime Austria (A2545517)
Me and captured German Army vehicle
24. Running a staging camp in Germany August 1945 (A2062513)
A page from my album showing Ulm Cathedral
25. Oct ’45 Trieste, October 1945 to January 1947 (A2166130)
Myself on a mine-sweeper in Trieste Harbour
26. My Welcome Home (A2072477)
The train bringing me home from Austria
27. Getting your Army Records (A2098000)
One typical page showing 'charge' detail
28. Army Transport (A2611937)
Ron on the Norton Motor Byke
29. Stick it in your Army....Album! (A2612567)
A montage, including currency and medals

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Ron's Photo Album as on 10-06-04

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