This is a Journal entry by Mistygirl

Sad time

Post 1


Hi everyone who remembers me,I know it as been sometime since I was on this site,I dont seem to get the chance these days,I thought i would let you know that my much loved cat Misty age 21 years as passed on,yes I know she was old and has had a good life,but I miss her so much, she died in my arms last Saturday morning at 4.00am,very peacefull.My other cat Sandy 15 is wondering round after her,which is so sad to see , they were together 15 years,so its got to be expected.I will try and keep in touch and try to catch up with you all,I wish you all a Merry Christmas


Sad time

Post 2


Hello there strangersmiley - hug
I am smiley - sorry about your cat.but didn't she have a long life!!21 is an excellant age for a cat,it shows how well looked after she was.
It's awful when you lose a pet,my ittle dog died 3 years ago,and i miss having her aroundsmiley - sadface
Nice to see you in here again sandra,Have a lovely Christmas.

Sad time

Post 3


Thank you smurfles,lovely to hear from you,yes she sure did have a good life and a happy one,I still have my other cat she's 15.I have'nt been around for sometime so i have lost track of everyone,i have been busy.anyway hope to get in more Happy Christmas to you and your.

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