This is a Journal entry by Menza

February 16th

Post 1


Had to back into school again today, so now I'm totaly knackered and ache all over. And I've decided that I hate school kids.

February 16th

Post 2

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Well, I seem to remember you did volounteer!... smiley - winkeye

February 16th

Post 3


It was more like I was volenteered, my dad is a part time caretaker at the school.

February 16th

Post 4

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Ah. I see. smiley - sadface

February 16th

Post 5


I still got to tell a load of self absorbed kids just where to stick it though. smiley - smiley

February 16th

Post 6

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Now that *must* be worth a bit of suffering for, surely! smiley - smiley

February 16th

Post 7


Especially as the shoving suggested the involvement of a 8ft length of hardwood skirtingboard, with nails sticking out the back. smiley - bigeyes

February 16th

Post 8

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Ouch! My eyes are almost watering at the very thought! smiley - bigeyes

February 16th

Post 9


He wasn't overly impressed either, his mates throughly enjoyed the scene though. smiley - smiley

February 16th

Post 10


Half term has mixed blessings. On the one hand I'm not plagued by children on the way to lectures. On the other hand, they're everywhere else I gosmiley - sadface

February 16th

Post 11


Strangly enough, my sister has been out of the house all day for the last 2 days. She usually spends all school days in bed.

February 16th

Post 12


Weird. Bed is a good place to besmiley - winkeye

February 16th

Post 13


I keep saying that but no-one seams to believe me. smiley - winkeye

February 16th

Post 14


Say it louder, I guess.smiley - smiley

February 16th

Post 15


Or I could just snore. smiley - winkeye

February 16th

Post 16


*raises eybrow doubtfully*

February 16th

Post 17


They might get the message. smiley - winkeye

February 16th

Post 18


Bed seems a good place to go nowsmiley - smiley
See you soon!

February 16th

Post 19


You off so soon?

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