This is a Journal entry by Menza

Febuary 15th

Post 1


I went back to school today, well sort of. I was helping out at my sisters school, they needed assistance decorating a room. Some bung hole had used impact adhesive to stick the floor tiles down to the wooden floor that they were wanting to restore. Many bad words were uttered.

Febuary 15th

Post 2


I don't like to think.....
Poor you... its about time good luck came your waysmiley - smiley

Febuary 15th

Post 3


Well I did volunteer. smiley - bigeyes

Febuary 15th

Post 4


...even so...smiley - smiley

Febuary 15th

Post 5


And I'm going back tomorrow, we didn't get it finished today. Anyway, I'm saving up all my good luck for when I really need it.

Febuary 15th

Post 6


Okay, thats allowedsmiley - smiley
Respect to you for going backsmiley - smiley

Febuary 15th

Post 7


Only to watch the farce as they try to knock a new doorway through a partition wall. smiley - smiley

Febuary 15th

Post 8


LOLsmiley - smiley
That should be fun...

Febuary 15th

Post 9


Especially since it will probably get built by general consencus, no offence intended but someof them couldn't find their arses with a map. smiley - winkeye

Febuary 15th

Post 10


Yay! Well worth volunteering forsmiley - smiley

Febuary 15th

Post 11


It will be. smiley - smiley

Febuary 15th

Post 12


Would that I had something to look forward to for tomorrow... other than writing up my labsmiley - sadface

Febuary 15th

Post 13


Just think of the good excuse you will have for a smiley - stiffdrink when you are finished. smiley - smiley

Febuary 15th

Post 14


I'll do that...
is there an acronym for Brought A Smile To My Face... one less than LOL?
anyway, BASTMF

Febuary 15th

Post 15


I thought it was just smiley - smiley

Febuary 15th

Post 16


Stupid mesmiley - smiley
*Joanna goes off in search of exactly where she left her brain this morning*

Febuary 15th

Post 17


You don't want to do that, you might find it. smiley - winkeye

Febuary 15th

Post 18


Thanks. I forget that brains are optional extras sometimes.

Febuary 15th

Post 19

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

*leaves with head spinning*

Febuary 15th

Post 20

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Now that I would like to see!!smiley - winkeye

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