This is a Journal entry by Menza

The passing of Ben

Post 21


Yes. Something chosen specially, though, that will last. Chimney stacks make excellent planters, for example.

The passing of Ben

Post 22


I see your train of thought. Most appropriate.

The passing of Ben

Post 23


Thanks. If the plant is in the ground, it actually does grow from the departed, though that's an image only some people tend to like. That's even more appropriate, though.

The passing of Ben

Post 24


It also depends on the size of the Chimney (sp!) pot.

The passing of Ben

Post 25


I miss him so much - I mean I love my new mouse to death but I miss Benedict too smiley - sadface

How can life be _so_ cheap and _so_ dear?

The passing of Ben

Post 26


It's a difficult one. Life's so contradictory. Love and money don't work - I might be in America now if they did (not that I don't like England...) The practicalities we impose on life, and which are imposed on us by life, simply don't mix with something as complex as thought or emotion. I guess all you can do is give your new mouse what you would have given Benedict if he was still here.

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