This is a Journal entry by Menza

Poor Taste

Post 1


 I'm realy depressed now. Listening to the charts, a song comes on. Its by an "artist" called Lolly, and entitled "Hey Micky". And its at No 8. *SCREAM*

I officially sever any ties I ever had with the British general public. I'm offended to have ever been linked with the aforementioned group. Their only redeeming feature is that Mr T Jones is at No 7. smiley - sadface

Poor Taste

Post 2


Don't worry Menzarse - I have taken out a contract on Lolly - I have friends in low places smiley - smiley incidentally go and buy the Ben & Jason album 'emoticons' cos it is really really blinding!

Poor Taste

Post 3


Never heard of them, so they must be good. smiley - winkeye

Poor Taste

Post 4


smiley - tongueout

Poor Taste

Post 5


smiley - bigeyes

Poor Taste

Post 6

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Ooh, thanks for reminding me... I'm just nipping over to the '80s amnesty bin on my page...

Poor Taste

Post 7


Any way you are too young to remember the original version of Mickey!

Poor Taste

Post 8


I have actually heard the original version, and it stunk the first time round. smiley - smiley

Poor Taste

Post 9


How? I was about 7 there for you were still in nappies!

Poor Taste

Post 10


Three letters for you, VH1. smiley - smiley

Poor Taste

Post 11


one is a number - honestly Menzarse you are the one with the post graduate status!!!

Poor Taste

Post 12


Excuse me, I'm a post post graduate. Thank you. smiley - winkeye

Poor Taste

Post 13


no you are not you are a post post graduand actually!!!! smiley - winkeye

Poor Taste

Post 14


True, OK to stay on course with the forum, what is your favourite song in the charts at the moment? smiley - smiley

Poor Taste

Post 15


ermmmmmm I don't know cos I do not listen to them!!!!

Poor Taste

Post 16


OK, something slightly different. Do you think that this world we call H2G2 needs an anthem, like a national anthem? Or is that just a silly idea? smiley - smiley

Poor Taste

Post 17


On Menzarse you do make me laugh soemtimes!

Poor Taste

Post 18


I'll take that as "yes that is a silly idea". smiley - sadface

smiley - winkeye

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