This is a Journal entry by Bumblebee

Summer heat

Post 21


Speaking of youth? smiley - biggrinsmiley - tongueout
Ooh, thanks! I've already started the celebration with cake at lunch today. smiley - biggrin
And there have been lots of mysterious comings and goings and whispering in the corners...!
The kid went out with the dad on a secret errand earlier today. I wonder if I get the large spirit level I have wished for.. smiley - winkeye

Summer heat

Post 22


I take it "large spirit level" is code for "big smiley - stiffdrink filled to the top of the glass"?

Summer heat

Post 23


smiley - laugh
No, but I wouldn't say no to that! smiley - biggrin
A spirit level is a simple instument to check if things are straight. Used by carpenters and masons and people like me who wants to put the shelves up straight. Made of metal or wood with small vials filled with liquid, often spirit colored a ghastly yellow. smiley - biggrin

Summer heat

Post 24


Camera tripods also have them to ensure the camera is level. My tripod has a standard 'bar' which only measures the up/down level. However the big heavy duty ones at the tv station have a 'bubble' shaped spirit level with a bulls eye in the centre. Get the spirit bubble in the centre of the bull's eye and your camera's dead level on all axes.

Both these are coloured fluorescent green.

Summer heat

Post 25


Hehe, my daughter gave me a sheep-shaped tea mug. I wonder where she's got that smiley - weird sense of humour from...

Summer heat

Post 26


Where do you buy your sheep-shaped tea from? smiley - winkeye

Summer heat

Post 27


In the sheep-shape-shop of course! smiley - tongueout

Summer heat

Post 28


Does the sheep-shape shop make shipments?

Summer heat

Post 29


smiley - laugh

Summer heat

Post 30


I see we're in a fuzzy and happy mood, internally speaking.

What's caused this state of affairs?

Summer heat

Post 31


No particular cause, life just seems to smile at me at the moment... smiley - biggrin
Oh, and the worry I mentioned earlier have sorted itself out now, in case you wondered..smiley - winkeye I must have been more stressed than I cared to admit for myself, for a too long time.

Summer heat

Post 32


I did wonder, "fuzzy and happy *inside*" - if not directly physical in nature, then perhaps on some unconscious level...

I'm not sure if life is smiling at me at the moment, if so it seems to be a very wry smile...

Summer heat

Post 33


Is it the winterweather that's getting at you or is it something else?

I just read in the newspaper that a wellknown Norwegian psykiatrist (sp?) have come up with the theory that the reason everything fells so much better after two glasses of wine, is that we really are born with minus 0,5 promille alkohol in the blood....!
"So after two glasses of wine we are at the 'nomal' level, where everything falls in place and harmony is restored". smiley - laugh
That's so charming, I'll buy it immediatly! smiley - biggrin

Summer heat

Post 34


I'll take two of those as well!

Does this mean that when baby cries out for their bottle, they mean Jim Beam?

As for my demeanour - there are a couple of things I like to whinge or gripe about my job, three to be exact. Now I find some of these things are to be addressed within a short space of time.

However, Doubting Thomas that I am, I remain dubious (as Doubting Thomases are prone to be) about how fully or completely they are to be addressed. And even if they are only partially addressed - will this rob of me of my right to whinge or gripe about them? smiley - headhurts

Summer heat

Post 35


The guy's a psyciatrist, he has probably never been a baby... smiley - tongueout

To whinge and gripe is as I have understood it some of the fundamental human rights that cannot, cannot I say, be taken away from a person without protests!
Erm, could you remind me what you work with now again...? I think it's journalist but suddently I'm not sure.

Summer heat

Post 36


>> I think it's journalist but suddently I'm
not sure.

Yes, that about sums it up. smiley - biggrin

Ostensibly, I'm the News Editor for 7 Taranaki Television (a regional/provincial tv station), at least that's what it will hopefully say on my business cards. I am told these will be ready by Wednesday.

This is one of the afore-mentioned gripes - I've been waiting for an actual business card (with my name and title on it) for nearly a year.

It's kind of hard to feel or look professional, when you're scrawling down your contact details on a piece of shorthand paper...

Summer heat

Post 37


Do I sense a potential job conflict? A little king on every hill? I hope you'll find a way to solve it, there's nothing worse than being frustrated in your job. It can eventually make you seriously ill. Believe me I know!

Even I have a businesscard, though we don't use titles. Stricktly speaking I'm the chief accountant and head of the accounts deparment. I am the accounts department, come to think of it! smiley - laugh

Summer heat

Post 38


My name is News, 7 Taranaki News...

By job conflict, do you mean with an AK-47? No, fortunately, gun control laws arre quite strict here. smiley - winkeye

7 Taranaki doesn't really have many hills, in fact, it has only one. Not a very big hill either, which really is the main problem.

Summer heat

Post 39


Aha, I see...smiley - smiley
Have you ever considered water-pistols (squirt-guns)? smiley - sillyMaybe not that fun in the middle of winter though...
Why is it called 7 Taranaki if there's only one hill?

There's seven hills/mountains surrounding Bergen. They are called Fløien, Blåmanen, Rundemannen, Ulriken, Løvstakken, Damsgårdsfjellet, Sandviksfjellet, and Askøyfjellet.

("But that's eight!" I hear you cry! And I say don't you start now! We've, the citisens of Bergen (and some outsiders)have had this diskussion already! This is how it is.smiley - tongueout)

Summer heat

Post 40


And did you know 12 can actually imply 13?

12 Disciples + JC, 12 Knights of the Round Table + Arthur, 12 Paladins + Charlemagne... without the leader you don't get the 12, so when you talk about the 12, you actually have 13!

There were seven hills of Rome as I recall, but I can never remember the eighth... smiley - winkeye

I'm thinking perhaps the 7 in 7 Taranaki refers to the 7 Deadly Sins. If this is true however, I seem to be getting far too much of numbers 2 and 3, and not nearly enough of 4 and 6. smiley - smiley

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