This is a Journal entry by eepy

Teeth, Dentists and other such things

Post 1


Today, for the first time in ages, I managed to get out of the Dentist's chair without any new fillings littering my mouth. I know that, for some, this is a regular event, but for me it is not - I always get stung with yet one more lump of metallic gloop (or, if I'm feeling vain, Porcelain gloop) shoved down a gaping hole in my teeth. To be fair, the reason this seems to happen regularly is probably because, in the past, the actual act of going to the Dentist has been far from regular, but hey...

To what do I put my good fortune down to? Regular brushing with a funky new electric toothbrush, I guess (how can one go wrong given enough electrical gizmos?).

However, the experience has left one question. What the heck did people do before hygienists were invented?

When I was young I don't ever remember seeing a hygienist. Now, though, I am told that I must go to the hygienist every six months (and if I don't the Dentist may strike me off his records).

The good news is that by visiting the hygienist so often one may be able to avoid the trauma of actually seeing the dentist. However, to balance out this small comfort, the hygienist charges twice as much as her more medically qualified counterpart.

So, have hygienists always been around, or are they a new invention. If new, is the general quality of teeth in the country going up, or is it just the general wealth of dental practices?

On a similar vein - Floss. Wouldn't have been able to pick it out from a line-up 5 years ago, yet now I'm told that even one day without flossing will mean imminent deforestation of the mouth. Did I just live a deprived child hood, or is there a conspiracy among dental practitioners?

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Teeth, Dentists and other such things

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