This is a Journal entry by eepy

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Post 1


Okay, here is a little bit more information about me.

My name is Edward Harrison, and I was born in Greenwich, London. The next 19 years are really a blur of family life (mother Jill, father Peter and elder brother Robert), school (Christ Chirch, Shooters Hill until the age of 8, followed by Colfe's, Lee, until 18) and, in the later stages, swede rolling (whereby the smotthness of a Swede could be tested by seeing how far down Shooters Hill one would roll before colliding with pavement).

The next few years saw a sudden transplant from the bowels of South East London to the less temperate climate of St. Andrews and it's University. Having gone to get a degree in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Trillian was clearly an early influence on me), it seemed only right that I would leave with a degree in Computer Science, which seemed easier due to its lack of complex Maths.

The end of University heralded yet another transplant of location - this time to North London and the, reasonably temperate, climate of Enfield. Here I found solace (and salary) in the depths of a "world reknowned" software company (world reknowned in the sense that you almost certainly won't have heard of us, so I won't mention the name here).

And that is basically where you find me now (quite literally, as I am obviously using work resource and time to fill in this journal entry). Whilst at work I have managed to find myself both a house (in Enfield) and a fiancee (also in Enfield). Apart from that, though, there is not much else to say (for now at least).

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