This is a Journal entry by Manic Depressive

Hello (Sorry I couldn't be bothered to think of a better subject)

Post 1

Manic Depressive

 Well this is my journal then. Ok I have a general wonderment for you. Why do parents buy wardrobes which are obviously too big to fit up the staircase but they insist that it will fit and then spend three hours trying to get it up the stairs before realising that they're going to have to take it to pieces, lose the bits and then put it all back together again five months later? I mean what's the point?
Ok that's it. It was just bugging me that's all.


Hello (Sorry I couldn't be bothered to think of a better subject)

Post 2

The Duke of Dunstable

Parents do these things to educate their children.

Hello (Sorry I couldn't be bothered to think of a better subject)

Post 3

simone b

I found your entry and wanted to respond, even though nothing I can say will probably help..I hope you feel better, but this isn't the sort of thing people just magically feel better from. I hope you find things you can be happy in; long life and good friends and good food. I know that last one sounds silly but it is true. Goodbye.

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Hello (Sorry I couldn't be bothered to think of a better subject)

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