This is a Journal entry by Glaws


Post 1


Aren't they the most infuriating people ever. Apparently, we're meeting up in London to CHAT. Whats wrong with the phone or even the internet I say!smiley - sadface


Post 2

TraKter Pilot

Here Here

What is it about those poeple you used to associate closely with and their inability to deal with simple technology like a phone.

The last thing I want to do is have a discussion with my ex. Yet her actions leave me no choice but to sit down and chat. Rather than simply get the info I'm looking for over the phone, I have to go through the complicated and tedious (sp) task of actually meeting her face to face.

Very aggravating


Post 3


Even worse she gets a free meal out of it. Which normally I can't eat because I'm still waiting for her to say what it was she dragged me across half the country (well it's two hours, feels like half the country though - I'm allowed to rant) to say.


Post 4

TraKter Pilot

I hear ya....and what do you say, when you aren't even interested in seeing her, much less be friends.
2 hours takes you across country eh.
Two hours takes me to my primary residance (the one "we" bought). Odd how this contient makes travel time seem like nothing because there's just so much space between locations.


Post 5


I say at least it gets me out of the house.

Travel in this country is a nightmare, they're trying to promote public transport - but it's easier by car. You don't tend to get sixty people wiped out at once when two cars collide. Even though you spend hours in a traffic jam, you still get to your destination quicker.

I just visited Amsterdam, it's only a forty minute flight - entire journey time with delays, 9 hours!

Back to Ex's, you tend err on the side of caution. It one of those things, if someone says we have to talk it really bugs you until you actually speak to them. Where as if they say we must talk - you know you won't be seing them again!smiley - winkeye

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