This is a Journal entry by The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

I am not a zombie I am a real person

Post 1

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

I managed to speak to my niece yesterday. She had contacted me on yahoo messenger a week ago BUT what I discovered was she hadn't contacted me at all. Not straight away. I thought she had but what it was, was an automated computerised whatnot that her messenger sent me automatically. I thought she had got in touch with me but she hadn't. It was the automated message that I replied to.
However, artificial intelligence did push me (yet again) to try and get in touch with her, mainly because she is my niece and I smiley - love her, albeit that most of the time her phone is on answerphone or switched off.

Thanks for automated messages but no thanks.
They are a "two edged sword". This is [in parenthesis] because these are one of my doctor's words, not mine. When I say, one of my doctors I mean one of my doctors and they were her words. Thank you.

There is nothing wrong with me.

"Privacy row as checks on phone and e-mails hit 439,000"
I don't know how try it is but there have been many rows (arguments) caused in my family because of our internet differences.

I hope you haven't been a victim of this sort of behaviour.
It is NOT smiley - cool, it is extremely uncomfortable and it is demoralizing.

I am not a zombie I am a real person

Post 2


Do you mind me writing in your journal Mrs. Apple?

I am not a zombie I am a real person

Post 3

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

Please be my guest smiley - smiley

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