This is a Journal entry by The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

The broken thimble

Post 1

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

Sometimes people do not want to listen.
It is their choice not to listen.
It is not for me to ask why they don't want to listen and it is not for them to question me if I don't want to listen.

Everything I do is for a reason.
I will tell you my reasons when I am good and ready.
If you want to listen to me I will be very happy.
If you want to look at my pictures and my art I will be very happy.
If you want to listen to my music I will be very happy.
If you want to help me make the World a better place I will be very happy and I am sure you will be very happy too.

If you don't want to help me that is because you have things that are more important to you and less important to me.

That is your choice.
Have a nice day.

The broken thimble

Post 2

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

OK. I'll tell you when the thimble got broken. It was when someone was so tired, I told them not to drive and they wouldn't listen. What happened? They had a very nasty accident on their way home. I had asked them to wait and go the next day but they wouldn't, they had to go there and then.

Later on I met one of our 'friends' called Chris.
He wouldn't listen either.

If you don't want to listen you'll break another thimble.

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