This is a Journal entry by Gilbert

Day Seven

Post 1


There are days when it's just not worth waking up.

You hand me an impossible task.
16,176 lines of pure, unadulterated, happy, bug-free code and They say, it's not good enough.
Not good enough? Are you mad? It does what you tell it to do. It generates things just as
you want them. It, in short, is exactly what you wanted it to be. But this won't stop you from
requesting it in production at least two months before the beforehand-agreed upon
date. Grrr....

My admin. assistant has learned to yoyo. I'm quite proud of her. She's gotten quite good, for only
been throwing for a week. Soon, she will surpass me in yo-throw skill. I'm quite pleased.

New workstation! Something else I can dump money into and let sit in my mouse-hole of
an apartment and collect dust while I dit-dit-dit for 20 hours straight. Joy.

A parental unit is en route to my side of the country for a visit. I have to clean.
I hate cleaning.

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Day Seven

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