This is a Journal entry by Dawd1


Post 1


 I've been loking over the site for an hour. It's amazing. It will take me a bit of time to catch up with some of you as it could take a while to find the latest info on how to do certain stuff. I was just reading about problems people are having with their sites. Some were suggesting a main chatroom or forum, but I gather it hasn't happened yet. Well, that's all for now.
End of journal entry : Wed 16th June 1999 21.42 GMT


Post 2

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

There is a chat room at Yahoo but I've only found someone in there once
The bulletin board's an education though - check out some of the early messages for help on posting images etc
If you are having half as much fun here as I am - lucky you!!


Post 3


I just joined the club, but when creating the alias 'dawd' (my chilhood nickname) i found that it has been in use for2 years,so i had to add a 1 at the end. I just wrote an article on TIME (doesn't exist), only to find that it was you that had written the original. strange. by the way, there's no - one in the club / chat. being that you don't want to id your self, i shall assume you are an attractive woman of 29 from ontario.

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