This is a Journal entry by MadMarcel


Post 1


Well, that was clever, i had a quick peek at the guidelines for getting your article accepted... 
Guess what, even though I _am_ a certified alien, writing an article
as if you are a tripe-eyed doubled-thumbed alien from the planet Zorg
does NOT work smiley - smiley)) oopsidaisy indeedy...
Oh well, thats easy, I'll just edit out the 'young earthlings' bits,
and replace them with 'my friends'...same thing.

Righto, now let's see if they (the powers that be) like an article about the mythical number 42...although I think someone did one before me...buh! And eventhough I did a search, nothing came up...

Anything else that was bothering me lately....hmmm...drunks, glue-sniffer, petrol-snorters...the new star wars movie...nope, nothing
exciting there smiley - smiley

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