This is a Journal entry by Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here
BBC non-commercial - yeah right
Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here Started conversation Mar 7, 2001
The World Service is obviously a good little earner for the allegedly non-commercial BBC going by the tone of this TV New Zealand news release
TVNZ Biffs BBC World Service Overnight
07/03/2001 08:51 AM
TVNZ has decided to stop screening the BBC World service overnight.
Channel One General Manager Shaun Brown says Television New Zealand will instead spend the money on more local programming to bring them in line with their upcoming charter.
He says New Zealanders will still get to see some BBC news during TV One news programmes.
Mr Brown says the BBC is still being shown in Wellington on TelstraSaturn, and will soon be available throughout the country on their joint digital service.
He says overnight programming on TV ONE will change on the 18th of March when their current contract with the BBC expires.
Shaun Brown says TVNZ took over the BBC contract from its regional service Horizon Pacific when the service was discontinued.
He says very few people watch the BBC overnight anyway, and now TV One will show local repeats, overseas programmes and infomercials in the time slot.
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BBC non-commercial - yeah right
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