This is a Journal entry by SetupWeasel

Week of Chaos

Post 1


Yesterday my mom had quadruple bypass surgery. The day before I had to tell my landlord that I didn't have the rent, and I started my new dishwashing job (yay!). Before that I had to play phone tag with my manager to get the date I started said job, much to the disruption of any possible weekend plans.

With all that done, today seems rather stress free, but it is all a matter of degree. I still have to worry about how I'm going to fund my last year of college, and even that comes after worring about how i'm going to pay for my next meal.

All this and I'm a nervous person to begin with.

Hopefully it will all pan out. I'm supposed to hear shortly about the articles I pitched to It's starting to feel like they're brushing me off.

Right now I need a good steady streak of good luck.

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Week of Chaos

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