This is a Journal entry by SetupWeasel

heh... looks like my big announcement has gone unnoticed

Post 1


Since I came out on this page I have seen a total of one reply. Thanks monsy ^_^.

I guess no one really cares. It kind of make me glad. Maybe I will be able to be myself one day, and no one will care whether or not I was born with a penis. That's a bit of a stretch, I know, but any proof that people won't hate me for who I am is welcome.

The last 2 weeks has been full of stress for me. It all started with my best friend telling me that she never wants to talk to me again. Actually I really should be saying my former best friend by now (God I overestimated her). Actually she had turned her back on me a month or so before, but just chose to stick her head in the sand rather than tell me what was going on. In a way it relieved some stress, but quite a few self-esteem issues crept in and more than made up for it. It's a much longer story, but I'll stop talking about here. I'll just say that it was one of the more painful moments in my life.

Since then my life has gotten more difficult by a factor of 4. I just can't seem to win lately.

Oh well, at least school is going OK. ^_^

heh... looks like my big announcement has gone unnoticed

Post 2


I bet it was hard to come out like that in public... i suppose to people here it is much easier to accept than IRL...
it seems ashame that you've lost a good friend, I hope your self esteem recovers, because there are other people out there who value *you* for who *you* really are.

PS trust that a winning streak must come along sometime...

heh... looks like my big announcement has gone unnoticed

Post 3


Actually it wasn't hard at all. On the same day, I came out in general, which was harder. But nothing even compares to the day I told my psychiatrist for the very frist time. I was so afraid, the words wouldn't come out.

By the way, my best friend didn't turn her back on me because I'm a transsexual. She was the first person I told whose first name wasn't Doctor, and she supported me and encouraged me when I needed it the most. She doesn't want to talk to me for other, more complicated reasons. ^_^

Oh I know the winning streak is coming, and this is in no way the worst I've felt in the past year. It's just frustrating and I needed to write about it. I figured all my problems from here on out would be associated with my gender issues, but life goes on and I've just been taken by surprise. ^_^

heh... looks like my big announcement has gone unnoticed

Post 4


I suppose inasmuch as one has to have problems, its better for them to be non-gender related?

heh... looks like my big announcement has gone unnoticed

Post 5


It's just funny how life goes on. You expect people to care so much that the world will stop. Then you realise that it's just you dealing with it, and everyone else has thier own lives (which includes such tasks as asking for the homework I owe them).

heh... looks like my big announcement has gone unnoticed

Post 6

Hannah the Hedgehog Fancier


Its fun being TS isn't it, I've justmade the leap into the unknown by telling my mother... So far so good...


heh... looks like my big announcement has gone unnoticed

Post 7


I particularly like the ulcers and cold sweat. ^_^

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