This is a Journal entry by SetupWeasel


Post 1


I'm starting to get that feeling that no one likes me. I know it's just in my mind, but that doesn't make it any less troubling.

Maybe it is the lack of sleep that is getting to me. I am tired, and it doesn't show signs of stopping before Friday.

Coming out really hasn't been lonely, so that isn't the problem. I do get these occasional lapses in my desire to be a woman. "Periods of indifference" I like to call them. I'm going through one now. It isn't that I want to be a man during these times; I just don't care. When I prod myself deeply, I would still rather be a woman though.

The problem is that when I get them, I become very unsure about who I am. They always pass and never last more than a few days, but they're disconcerting when they're here.

Dang I need sleep.


Post 2

Hope Loveday

Hello Sarah
I have only just arrived at the Guide myself. I have just read some of your pages, out of interest; I know little about the whole thing, so this seemed a good place to fill in some of the blanks.

Re lack of sleep: lack of sleep tends to warp my perceptions of myself and my moods. This may or may not happen to other people too.

Good luck. I'm not sure what else to say at this point.


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