This is a Journal entry by Artretia Dent

I prefer to call it a multiverse.....

Post 1

Artretia Dent

I'm now researcher 40504 (symmetrical number. Can anyone figure out the probability of that happening?) after acting on impulse, which happened shortly after I was searching for guide-related matierial on the web, when I had just given up finding anymore info about ley-lines/dragon's viens, which happened shortly after I got all the information about a place called sea-henge which is being dug-up much to my annoyance, this happened because an article about it was published in the newspaper this morning, shortly before it was posted through my door, shortly before I read it, a few hours later I decided to do something about it and here I was (this is correct, because by the time anyone reads this it will have been written and I won't be here anymore.).Right. That was a lesson on how not to construct a sentance.If you want to ask why I call it a multiverse you can. I don't have to answer but I probably will.
See ya.
(just think about the above before you do anything bad!)
Researcher, 40504.
Whose phone number is that?

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I prefer to call it a multiverse.....

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