This is a Journal entry by Peregrin


Post 1


The results of the h2g2 Presidential Elections have been announced to the candidates so that we can each write a summary in next week's Post. However it's being kept secret from the rest of you until Monday. And we're not leaking it.

So there smiley - tongueout


Post 2

Will Jenkins (Dead)



Post 3


Nya ha ha! No way. You'll be able to find out tomorrow anyway.

Suffice to say that Login did NOT win. (he's the guy that turned up, said 'ooh! I want to be a candidate!' and then left h2g2 and hasn't come back)


Post 4

Will Jenkins (Dead)

WOW! Am I in on an exclusive story leaked by the "uncorruptable" Peregrin???


Post 5


Uncorruptable? If I slip you a £50 note will you advertise that fact?

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