This is a Journal entry by Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

Worthing clubs

Post 1

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

 Let me just say one thing about clubs in worthing. The best way to enjoy the clubs in worthing is to not go. You'd do much better to take a taxi to Brighton (12 pounds there 12 pounds back which is only 6 quid extra if there is four of you).

I personaly like the Jazz Place (aka the Jazz rooms) which is actually a small room. with a bar. But it plays Hip hop on a wednesday and has a wonderful atmoshpere.

The end. smiley - smiley

Worthing clubs

Post 2

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Is a Worthing Club a place where people sit around discussing how much things are worth?

Sorry, I'll go stick my head in a pig.

Worthing clubs

Post 3

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

smiley - smiley no. A worthing club is a place where people talk about how much the entry fee is worth. And end up with the same conclusion - it is WORTH nothING smiley - smiley

Worthing clubs

Post 4

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Ah, so "WorthLESS clubs" would perhaps be a better heading?

Worthing clubs

Post 5

Peter Hilton

I don't think that getting a taxi to Brighton really cuts the mustard: you need to actually move out of Worthing and go and live somewhere decent.

Still, it could be worse - you could live in Lancing smiley - smiley

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