This is a Journal entry by Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

To WAP or not to WAP?

Post 1

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

That is indeed the question. I know all the pros and cons, such as the the text only nature and expensive call cost. But daggnabbit I really want to have the HHG in my pocket wherever I go. Also I can't really aford a contract so would probably have to get pay as you go handset as apposed to that lovely Nokia number. In fact I probably couldn't afford the pay as you go handset either (they're like 70 quid or so aren't they?) Anyone who has one or even if you just have strong opinions about them post here please smiley - fish thanks

In other news.... Just started a website for my friend who's going to Africa erm will put a link when I can work out how that works in H2G2 smiley - smiley the idea is that he can post what he's doing and we can post what's not happening in worthing.

will probably write an entry for the guide at some point.... doesn't seem to be one for Worthing (hardly suprising)

To WAP or not to WAP?

Post 2

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Pssst! Have a look at [Unsuitable link removed by Moderator]- they have a rather groovy WAP simulator, so you can see what h2g2 would look like if you decided to buy one of said WAP phone type things. Personally I found it slow, fiddly and irritating (who said "A bit like the new method of forum navigation" then?) smiley - smiley

To WAP or not to WAP?

Post 3

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*goes back and reads next journal entry*
Oh, am I too late?

To WAP or not to WAP?

Post 4

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

Yup. oh well thanks anyway. I have a strange perversion for gadgets (no not like that...) and I'm sure I'll be too stoked with the nerdyness of it all to care about technical failings or the fact that in a few months you'll get phones costing half the price that run H2G2 better than my computer currently does(probably)

It arrives next tuesday. I'll make a short (possibly only 1 letter long smiley - winkeye ) post on your page with it. And then you can laugh.

and yes what IS the new navigation of forums all about?!

oh and saw a picture of you in the guide. So now I have the advantage mr Bond....

To WAP or not to WAP?

Post 5

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

That wasn't me, that was one of the team of people I employ to impersonate me at official functions.
Can I also point out that crashes my browser quite spectacularly? Thanks.

To WAP or not to WAP?

Post 6

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

checked out that link and it seemed ok to me (easily pleased I guess...)

wapsilon did the same to mine... just when i was having fun taunting people in a WAP chat room who couldn't answer back quick enough (due to having no keyboard... smiley - smiley )

To WAP or not to WAP?

Post 7

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I think I'll wait until the groovy phone with the huge screen that was on Tomorrow's World becomes available, thanks... smiley - smiley

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