This is a Journal entry by Anonymouse
Hello Diary
Anonymouse Started conversation May 22, 1999
Thank you batty.
Today I discovered the Earth's Edition of The Guide. Rather, it was
pointed out to me. Yesterday I was nothing. Today I'm a researcher.
Tomorrow I'll probably be nothing again, but hey.. at least I had my
15 minutes of glory.
Now where did I put that life?
Hello Diary
Anonymouse Posted Dec 15, 1999
Heh.. Silly me.. I must have put it where it couldn't possibly get lost, because that's always the one place you never think to look when you've lost something.
Hello Diary
Anonymouse Posted Dec 17, 1999
, too!
(They not only don't have (-8 but they don't have ~ either.. even though Cybes offered.
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Hello Diary
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."