This is a Journal entry by kat

Lets do the time warp again

Post 1


 just got home from the annual showing of Rocky Horror at the collage's greek theatre. had sooooooooooo much fun. i was magenta smiley - smiley. (just remembers was suppose to review Princess Bride. will do it as soon as possible.)

Lets do the time warp again

Post 2

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Hooray, the Princess Bride! One of my favorites. An amazingly quotable film.

*unfortunately frink draws a blank*

Lets do the time warp again

Post 3


How about this one...
Fezzik: Why do you wear a mask? Were you burned by acid, or something like that?
Westley: Oh no. It's just they're terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing
them in the future.

Lets do the time warp again

Post 4

The Ghost Of TV's Frink do you spell "tu blave"?

Lets do the time warp again

Post 5


Do it, Kat!



Lets do the time warp again

Post 6


i will send you the rough draft in the next 7 hrs. so sorry about the delay, but i have had a billon and one plates spinning in my life, job, school, play rehearsal... ect...

hope you are not mad, the exlamation point made me think you were.


Lets do the time warp again

Post 7

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Allow me to supply some plate-spinning music:

Da da da da-da da-da da-da-da da da da.....

or something like that.....

Lets do the time warp again

Post 8

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Yay Kat! It's all about Magenta!! Good choice!

Although now that I think of it, it's pretty scary...I don't really have to do anything to my hair to get into character... smiley - winkeye

Lets do the time warp again

Post 9

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Hey Fen, here is a "Where's Waldo" game for you. See if you can find the smiley - sadface, then see if you can tell what it means......

Lets do the time warp again

Post 10


yes, magenta does rule! except that my costume was, shall we say, rather skimpy and i happened to flash a couple people, but hey, looking back on it, it was pretty funny. and Rocky Horror only happens once a year ya know.

Fenchurch I was preaching to my friend about how i was jealous of Fat-bottomed girls today, and to my horror, she didn't know what song i was talking about. shame, shame.

Frink, what in the world are you talking about. I am confused.

Lets do the time warp again

Post 11

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Sorry Kat smiley - smiley I posted something cryptic to Fenchurch, and she hasn't found it yet, but I'm not the direct type, so I thought I'd make her hunt a bit. I sent this little forum off in the wrong direction to begin with, so once it started coming back to RHPS, I decided to veer off-topic again..........

Lets do the time warp again

Post 12

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Would it be concerning the Brain Candy lack-of-summary? *sigh* I hadn't done that yet, had I? I'll go do it now, even though you seem to be voting for Merkin and not me.... *sigh* smiley - sadface

As for Fat-Bottomed girls: I AM APALLED! I say purchase/record the song/ etc in order to EDUCATE that girl about TRUE BEAUTY!!!
and as for RHPS: Flashing? That's what RHPS is all about smiley - winkeye

Lets do the time warp again

Post 13

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Yes, I see you have found the smiley - sadface. No big deal, I'm just impatient sometimes. I think it comes from waiting for 10-12 weeks for a rejection.

The Mayor: I haven't decided who to vote for yet, I just want to hear Merkin's position on the issues (as they relate to softball of course). I didn't even know you were running, but now that I know, it will make the decision that much more difficult.

RHPS: I'm not a fan, but if it is all about flashing, perhaps I should reconsider. smiley - smiley

Lets do the time warp again

Post 14


i didn't know you were running either fenny, now i must think again.

Lets do the time warp again

Post 15

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Ok Fen, I've read over the resumes, and seen the photos......I'd love to vote for you, but right now Marv the Grate is in the lead.....only because his resume offers a job to the Rambling Misfits.

On the other hand, how can i vote for him if he really looks like godzilla? Perhaps I SHOULD vote for you.....especially considering that you are the only candidate with a running mate.

Lets do the time warp again

Post 16

Fenchurch M. Mercury

A *luminescent* running mate! Who insists on being on the internet without her fact showing! Which is odd! Excalmation!

Lets do the time warp again

Post 17

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Is that a fact?

Lets do the time warp again

Post 18


in case you didn't see my other post, I did the princess bride review hypoman, come check it out and tell me what to fix.

Lets do the time warp again

Post 19


Hi Kat!

I am extremely not mad, just impatient! I actually think, with all the pressure you must have been under, that you've done a rather good job.smiley - smiley

Don't worry about exclamation points. I'm as likely to use them because I can't laugh in the fora as much as I'd like to!

Take a look at the comments I post in the forum under the article...smiley - bigeyes



Lets do the time warp again

Post 20


You got it, Kat. I've done a bit of a sub-edit, but in terms of concept I think it's just right. See my reply to what is currently your three-day old message above.smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

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