This is a Journal entry by Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...


Post 1

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

I know, I know .... it's been ages since I added to this journal, but I can't be bothered writing about the average day to day, but today I have something to write about.
I went today to the State Library for the opening of an exhibition in memory of some of Sydney's eccentrics.
It was very interesting but sadly, very NORMAL - and they left out some wonderful people, there was no mention of the Eternity man, or the Birdman of Bondi or so many others.
Still, I suppose they only "displayed" the ones they had material on, but I would have thought that some of Madam Lash's more spectacular outfits would have been a bit of fun.
It was a bit strange too, the curator made a speech about the exhibition and every time she made a general remark about eccentrics she looked straight at me, I told her afterwards that while I might look a bit eccentric I am really quite normal - it's the rest of the world that's strange. Besides, I'm still alive and not rich enough to be eccentric - in the eyes of the establishment the poor are simply mad.
Don't really know whether this is the place to discuss this - from my exploration of this site it seems that eccentricity is the norm here - does that mean that anyone normal who uses these pages is mad? Dunno ....



Post 2

Researcher 112818


I am compiling a dossier on eccentrics. I am planning a documentary on the subject. Could you be so kind as to mail me the address of the State Library, in whichever State Sydney's in? I would like to write them, to hear if they have any bumf left over from the exhibition

Hope to hear from you. All the best.

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