This is a Journal entry by Man of Legend

a new day, a new dawn, another dollar

Post 1

Man of Legend

Wednesday 19th july 2000

this is my first jounal entry of the year 2000 and over the course of the year that i have had this page i have only spoke to a few people. Some people would probably say this was my fault as i haven't actually gone out looking for people rather just sat here and waited for people to come to me. I can however dismiss this thoery as utter rot as it doesn't work. Just as the no-one of you reading this are all too aware.
cynicism aside since my last entry i have (started and) completed my second year at uni. i passed for all of you that are interested. i am now doing my sandwich year with IBM, which is nice.
my electronics theory page needs to be updated and be approved. i'm a bit narked that i didn't get it approved last time but i was drunk when i wrote it.
so with my ever cynical look at life i would be appreciative if no-one just happened to randomly find my page. if you do see this. . . well make your own mind up about what to do next. i wont be offended if it doesn't involve telling me you were here.
if you were tricked into comming here. GOOD. but please come back i will have something of interest fairly soon.

i hope your souls are saved.


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a new day, a new dawn, another dollar

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