This is a Journal entry by Man of Legend

I have the bruises to show for this week

Post 1

Man of Legend

AKA This is like talking to nobody and talking to everybody

Again I find myself here, drunk, having been to karate and in full flow on the philosophical side.

I'm on holiday this week and I don't know what i'm doing anymore. My life has changed so much I couldn't possibly begin to do it justice here.

The journey starts 2 years ago when I started at PC World, I took the job cos I couldn't stay unemployed. On the good side of it I made some really good friends that I have been lucky to share their company and I hope they've enjoyed mine. Also it started a downward spiral. Over the past 2 years I have taken myself to pieces, I had to, I didn't know who I was, I couldn't stand it anymore. The low point must've been about spring last year, i'd just moved jobs and just started back at karate. I didn't feel worthy of the new job and I wasn't fit enough to be at karate, I train in front of mirrors and I was disgusted with the image I saw.

However the upturn is just the most amazing thing to happen to me, I discovered Bu-Do (way of the warrior) and I could be good at this new job I found myself in.

I don't feel like going into specifics, but I feel like I'm nearly there, I feel like I'm begining to really enjoy what I'm doing, I'm happy with the direction my life is going. In short I've stopped existing and started living again.

The next week off sees me looking to the future, I now have to look forward, I have to tell the people that can enhance me what I want to do. I have no idea of the future but I know I can know face it with my whole heart on my sleave.

Life, here I am, I know how annoying you can be, but I don't care give it me with both barrels.

I'm ready now, I've fought for this, I've done it myself, and I'm going to burst forwards.

I've lived a quarter of a century and I feel like I've got my ducks in a row. All I wanted was stability a year ago, now I have it, I know I can do anything I want.

As for the title of this post, I have bruises both physically and mentally from this week, but I'll push back.

One. To seek the perfection of character.

I'm not going away.

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I have the bruises to show for this week

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