This is a Journal entry by Man of Legend

The way it is

Post 1

Man of Legend

Life, as we know it has it's ultimate answer, and indeed question (which was wrong, so we have to go back to the start, which I may go into someother time)

But, what about the process that gives us those ultimate answers (and questions). Here is a little perspective...

Tonight, on the way home from the pub, I stepped in the end process of a dog's processes. Now normally this should be a case of wipe off and start again. However, it's not always that simple. At the end of a week where I had a weird time with the former love if my life. I am far too tired (even to be writing this) to make sense, but please bare with me.

Sometimes my frustrations build up and fall out. I'm sure any one else that reads this will be the same. But my fall outs are always public. It all just seems to be the way I am. for the 99 times out of 100 I control myself sometimes it all gets too much, and that 1% just happens when, on reflection, it shouldn't do.

I have views on the way people should live their life. One such view is social responsibility. Most of that is simple things, such as not letting your dog foul a pavement, others go on to things like being a good customer. Where you treat no-one in a position of servitute badly. If you don't believe that last one, all you need is a little humility, remember your P's and Q's, and trust me, you will get what you want quicker and with a higher quality delivery.

I'm currently in the position of proving myself, and it's really difficult. I'm in an office where I am effectively the youngest by 10 years, I also have no knowledge of the industry i've found myself in, but a decent understanding of the tools (so to speak) around me. However, I feel I am being judged for things things that contribute to my job at the moment, but will not contribute later on in my career.

I have Faith in my own ability, but I don't feel I can trust the world around me. There are people who have this the other way round, the one's who 'land on their feet'. I have close friends that are like this, and that too can be frustrating.

I try to do myself justice, but I can't help these 1%'s

I know the only answer good enough is Tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes.

Eternally trying MoL

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The way it is

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