This is a Journal entry by Man of Legend

If theis is my last post, goodbye

Post 1

Man of Legend

Hi, here are views and dedications

Music: support british bands, from as old as sabbath to as new as boyscout, inc, and lights. respect those that have been and gone. for terrorvision and a,p, and s.

Mind: believe nothing you hear read or hear, and only believe half of what you see. No matter how bad, discover the other side of the story. for freedom

Religion: blind faith is no excuse for control or genocide. do not ignore those most important to you for the sake of something that might not even exist. they say god loves you more than you will ever know, but so will you parents. for Ellen.

Politics: always vote, its your only time to speak. for students

life: regret nothing, mistakes make you stronger. for ME

education: Uni's will go because we can't afford to be here. i hope our children will not have to endure the same system this generation has.

I feel every time i write on here i am restricted and bound by the BBC. was it douglas' wish that we should be controlled by the beeb, our voice has been taken, its time to rise, time to take away the panic button, let us express ourselves, without fear. we should decide what is right and wrong on here not an organisation that takes our money. we employ you for a service, never forget that.

what happens if we die and we meet poeple we have delt with, been friends with, and loved are shown in there true form. will the bad die and be hideous, so the beautiful people are genuinely beautiful.

i meet you all when i am beautiful.

Man of Legend, and now you know why, there's irony.

P.S. If you delete this are you taking away freedom of speech. Do you go against the spirt of the human race. let this remain here and let people make up their own minds.

If theis is my last post, goodbye

Post 2

Man of Legend

I ought to point out i'm not insane, just drunk, and i needed to get that off my chest.

Just read it and think.


Man of Legend

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If theis is my last post, goodbye

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