This is a Journal entry by Man of Legend


Post 1

Man of Legend

 This is an apology to the whole one of you who have looked at my page since I opened my account. I amnow going to explain why it has taken me 13 or more weeks to get back on the net. for the first few weeks I was home after coming back from uni I was chilling and on holiday in tenerife and to be perfectly honest I couldn't have give a flying monkeys arse if I had seen another electrical device. Anyway after said chilling out period I only played games on my machine (mainly carmageddon). But soon I decided it was time for my computer to have a software cleanout so I formatted my HHD. The however only got half way through completing before I stoppped it (I was using a system restore pack). this resulted in a unuseable HHD Which I knew how to fix but didn't have the hardware. So it had to go to the bloke who made it. This took approx a week. I then didn't touch my PC for days And when I did I found to my Horror that Windows 98 was on (this is of course the operating system of satan himself as it trys to be far too clever for it's own good and is quite unstable in the process. So I decided to format again this time using the ever reliable method of Dos and boot disk. However this cock-up some Fats and again rendered my HHD unuseable. So it had to go back again. Now it has the wonderful 95 and is running like linford cristie on speed.
Of cause this chain of events lends further proof to my claim of the existance of the god of electronics and the first rule of electronics (any electronic device will only work once perfectly).
For better or worse I am back now and will check this site on a regular basis. Feel free to email me on my talk21 accoumt if you want and tell your friends about me.

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