This is a Journal entry by Sunny, Researcher 35197

5th of May 1999

Post 1

Sunny, Researcher 35197

Today is 'bevrijdingsdag' the day we (the dutch) celebrate the fact that the second world war is now over. Although it has been for some time, why not still celebrate it. Rude-o-mental ( Researcher 53611) is sitting next to me, as allways, and trying to make sense of it all. Apperantly this is not working out yet since his eyes are popping out of his head behind his in-desperate-need-for-replacement glasses. But the hair is still rising to the ceiling so things are going quite allright afterall. Today I think I'll buy a book and read a book. Usually enough errants for a whole week but why not use some of this sparkling energy for a change.
And now a toast, on freedom in life, the universe and everything!

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