This is a Journal entry by Blood Angel


Post 1

Blood Angel

 I have been getting board today. I have done nothing fun today(unless you call going to the supermarket fun).I have spent most of my time revising for my exams which are next week(wish me luck!). This looks like it is turning into a very boaring week-end. Sigh!


Post 2

Blood Angel

Speak to me someone, i'm booooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaared!

I look at your site

Post 3


Your site nice
mine small aswell


Post 4


Good Luck to your exams smiley - smiley))))) .... I got 4 main ones in one month :{


Post 5

Blood Angel

Lucky You!HeHe


Post 6

Galactic Guru (Designate)

Boredom. Bored. Boring. Well at least I replied!


Post 7

Lazuras (Researcher 33634)

I know how you feel I am bored out of my mind too.


Post 8



How is the revising goin?
Revising sucks. Glad I don't have to do it any more though. smiley - smiley
What are you studying for ? Something cool, I hope.

Don't get too bored. Go and have some fun, then tell us about it !

Write Me. Bye....


Post 9

Blood Angel

NO MORE EXAMS!!!!!!! HOOOORAY! I'm happy, until i get the results!

While i'm with u all still, can we sort out the small matter of my grave stone.......


Post 10

Jonny Zoom

Aren't you funky young things supposed to be always out having a wild time and making all us old people really jealous? Are you really all that bored? Why don't you all get together and have a nice game of Monopoly? Alternatively an insight into what you get up to when not revising or being bored would be nice so I can see what I'm missing what with having a job and being nearly 30 and all.


Post 11

Blood Angel

Who wants to go aND GET SMASHED?

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