This is a Journal entry by Researcher 31544


Post 1

Researcher 31544

It seems that an awfully large part of ones life is spent waiting, for a bus, for the kettle to boil, etc, etc. I am currently waiting for someone to finish using the printer so that I can use it and then go home!!

What is really needed is a source of interesting ways to pass time whilst waiting. Things that won't distract too much attention from that which is being waited for whilst still occupying the mind.

Here are a few examples:

1-Reading the information lables on the back of the computer monitor opposite
2-Planning the recipe for tonights dinner
3-pondering the meaning of life


Post 2

DJ Yassy Yas

Planning to conquer the world is always an amusing pastime. As is reading cereal boxes, should any cereal boxes be nearby, of course.


Post 3


The warning labels on cigarette boxes are there to give smokers something to do while waiting for their nicotine to hit their veins. Thoughtful of the manufacturers, huh?

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