This is a Journal entry by Bob the Dancing Monk

End of Day 1 or reporting

Post 1

Bob the Dancing Monk

Well, got in, activated my account with the Powers that Be and logged two reports.
Earth is decidedly strange. I guess it's the green that really seems strange. I'm so used to a much bluer world.
ok, so I'm a bit green in this whole writing thing at the moment. So I'm still a bit naive in this thing. I've been here for five weeks now,
and I really don't expect to be paid for quite some time. I don't think Ford's idea of doing a one-man show of Our Town is going to quite pan out.
He may have been kdding, but Betelguesans have weird senses of humor.

Nice place, though, all told. No idea why we're doing this, but nice place.

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End of Day 1 or reporting

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