This is a Journal entry by Phil Yabutz

The Truth Out There.

Post 1

Phil Yabutz

So now I'm getting a feel for h2g2 and it's quite comfortable. I am clearly not the only person sitting at a computer watching the birds on the lawn, or who knows what an M6x25 pan head machine screw is. I've just been using a few of those to fix the light board on the trailer and have come in to warm up a bit.
I've also been told to tell the truth which is a problem for a writer of fiction.
The writing group was good fun last night. It's nice to have a few beers with other people who write stuff. I'm going to another group on Thursday and will report back next week.
Not much else going on (except No. 2 daughter's wedding on Saturday).
Must go, there's blue sky outside and it's almost sunny. Update - it is sunny.

The Truth Out There.

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I want a full report on that wedding!!

The sun is shining? Where are you??

Annie - shivering in Cleethorpes.smiley - brr

The Truth Out There.

Post 3

Phil Yabutz

Spoke too soon, the sunny spell lasted barely 30 mins. It's still bright but spotting with rain here in the Staffordshire Moorlands. My fault for getting a paintbrush out.
Just checked the Guide to see if an entry on Seasonally Affected Disorder is needed but it's been done. Not to worry. The day length is increasing quite quickly now, 1/2 an hour more than last week according to my Astrophysics program. Roll on the spring equinox, meanwhile I'll top up the coal scuttle, get a few logs in and do me bit to bring on some global warming. I know, it's all right for us living 600 feet above sea level when I've melted the global ice-caps. Fancy a move to Sheffield-on-Sea?
Update - full on rain now.smiley - brr

The Truth Out There.

Post 4


Hope the weather's good for the wedding Phil, let us know how it goes. Lucky you, on the Staffordshire Moorlands. Raining here too, windy as well.

From a Brummie,

Websailorsmiley - dragon

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