This is a Journal entry by Smij - Formerly Jimster

Last h2g2 thought of 2002...

Post 1

Smij - Formerly Jimster

'... and as we sit here alone,
Looking for a reason to go on,
It's so clear that all we have now
Are our thoughts of yesterday.'

Well, it wouldn't be be if I didn't finish on a dodgy music reference. God bless Strawberry Switchblade, and best wishes to all the boys and girls, wherever you are in the world.

Actually, thinking about it, that quote's a bit maudlin.

'Most friends get to call him "T.C."
Pro-vi-ding it's with dignityyyyy...

Yep, that's better.

Happy New Year, h2g2 smiley - bubbly

Last h2g2 thought of 2002...

Post 2


Happy New Year to you too Jimster, from the author of The Final Editors' Selection for 2002. Thanks for your support with it. smiley - kiss
smiley - bluefish

Last h2g2 thought of 2002...

Post 3

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Our pleasure! And isn't Sam a natural at the voice-over lark?!

Last h2g2 thought of 2002...

Post 4


He has a gift for it!

How's your writing going?
smiley - bluefish

Last h2g2 thought of 2002...

Post 5

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Writing...erm... nice day, innit? smiley - biggrin

(It's going slowly, but okay, ta)

Last h2g2 thought of 2002...

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

And what an excellent entry it was too.smiley - ok

I had to log in as a new researcher as I was on someone else's pc, but I did print it off and read it on the train home.

Congrats coelysmiley - bluefish and all who helped make it such an brilliant entry!smiley - bubbly

smiley - flyhi

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