This is a Journal entry by marvthegrate LtG KEA

Pocket lint games.

Post 1

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Today at work I was digging about my pockets looking for change. When I pull out my coins I had a hunk of lint mixed in with them. I offered the three pennies and a bonus peice of lint to someone standing close.. They decided not to accept my offer, but then we procedded to see who had the biggest peice of lint. This is what happens when I am bored at work..

Pocket lint games.

Post 2


Strange. But at least you werent comparing belly button lint.smiley - winkeye

Pocket lint games.

Post 3

marvthegrate LtG KEA

As strange as the comments that get made about my workplace are, it would not suprise me to see that someone would make that kind of comparison.

Pocket lint games.

Post 4


I witnessed a comparison of toenail length. They were not nice toenails. There was funk floating in the air.

Pocket lint games.

Post 5

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Pocket lint I can deal with. Maybe even belly - button lint. Toenails are another story. And this is from someone quite used to a land of free toenails, kept from the shackles of normal shoes. A land of sandals! Go, little toes, RUN!

Sorry. smiley - winkeye

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