This is a Journal entry by marvthegrate LtG KEA


Post 1

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Hmmmmmmmm.. I hate snow, but it is finnaly falling on my city. You would think that I am mad, the drivers are crashing into eachother all over the place, it is cold, but! We need the water. People tend to forget that Utah is a desert state. We have a lot of snow in our mountains but we need to recall that this is our *only* source of clean water for the next year. We have the 6th biggestt lake in the continent in our valley, but it is called the Great Salt Lake for a reason. The cost in taking the salt out to make it potable is prohibitive. Snow melt into our resivours and into the aquifers below us is all we can get water from. Sigh. I hate snow but I have to be happy that we are getting some now. This winter has been very odd to say the least. It has been record warm and sparse precipitation. Welcome Snow.

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