This is a Journal entry by Jack Point
Jack Point of All Trades
Jack Point Started conversation Dec 3, 2000
So far, I've remained pretty anonymous on H2G2, so I thought I'd post a little information about myself.
I'm a 20-something software engineer living in Santa Barbara, California, USA. In 1997, I heard Douglas Adams speak at SCO Forum (a computer conference). I had been a fan of his for many years, ever since reading the Hitchhiker's books in the mid 80's...but his speech about the usefulness (or lack thereof) of certain kinds of technology really made an impression on me, and actually influenced some of my career choices, leading to my current employment. (I could spend a week talking about this. Maybe I'll post some articles about it later.)
In any case, I have a very wide range of interests, including music, cooking, health/nutrition, martial arts, science/technology, and literature. Jack of all trades, master of...well, one or two, maybe.
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Jack Point of All Trades
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."