This is a Journal entry by Jack Point

Biking in the rain

Post 1

Jack Point

Looks like I might have to bike home from work in the rain today.
That's what I get for trying to lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
Well, it can't hurt. It's just water, right?

Biking in the rain

Post 2


Myself, I always find that I get less wet when cycling in the rain, as opposed to walking in the rain. (I also have fenders on my around-town bike, so my butt doesn't get wet so fast smiley - smiley) How far is your ride? Or have you stopped altogether?

Biking in the rain

Post 3

Jack Point

At the time I posted the journal entry, the ride was about 3 miles. Since then, I have moved closer to work, and the ride is only 1 mile or so. I still bike whenever the weather is decent and I don't have to carry anything heavy with me.

carrying heavy things

Post 4


I have found to the great relief of my shoulders and back that I can use my bicycle as a kind of 2-wheeled, 10-speed luggage cart. I have a baggage rack on the back, and have found the bike with rack suitable for transporting daily shopping, broken-down cardboard moving boxes, and my friend's folding bike. Of course, the downside is that it's kind of slow going( but still faster than walking smiley - smiley).

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