This is a Journal entry by Everafter_Ending

Here Goes

Post 1


Alright, I've made it though the first week. It's the beginning of the end. The start of the countdown. My last year, but it's all different now, everyone is gone. The halls are filled with memories, and shadows of the past, where once my closest friends used to be. I'm alone.
I've come to realize how far I've grown apart from my class, how much I relied on the one before me, and how much I miss them now that they've gone. I'm misplaced in my world, one year too late. smiley - erm Then agian, my timing has never been very goodsmiley - winkeye.
I know my friends have done their time in this forlorn little town, and I know a part of them are glad to be free from it. They've gone on to better things. They get to start they're new lives, and I'm happy for them. They've helped me overcome numerous obstacles, and I've come to love them more than I can saysmiley - rose. It's their time, just as next year it will be mine.
Untill that day however, I watch from the shadows as the people I care about the most begin their journies. One by one they walk away from me for the last time, and I'm left here with the memories. A year of constant reminiscing. Unfortunately, with the benefit of hindsight comes the pain of regret, but I'll just have to live with that.
Anyway, I wish them the best. Till Next We Meetsmiley - magicsmiley - cheerupsmiley - magic

Here Goes

Post 2


THEIR new lives!

And thanks for the magical flower.

I'm glad your inner gnat is up and running, I didn't want to email you until then. (Did you see my story on the front page - mine and Alyssa's!?!) I love you too. I find, looking at the pictures of my friends that I put up (as you would know from one of my journal entries, if this stupid website worked as it should!) that there are very few that I miss. I guess I spent the last year subconsciously distancing myself from them, especially Alyssa (That's my theory for why we hated each other the last year. We're friends now, though.) There are so many people I don't miss - Paula, Joan, Laura, even Kris. I tried to be friends with him, and we were getting closer, he's very cool in his way, but I didn't have the time I needed. You see, I am not very good at making friends anymore.

I just wanted to say that you're not one of those people. That I don't miss, that is. Meaning I do miss you, you know. You should totally consider coming to school here. Seriously, it's very cool, and apart from missing you and Alyssa and my puppies, I'm very happy. They're very helpful here, like they actually care about you, unlike in some big schools where you're just a number and your teacher never learns your name because he has 499 other students just in your hour.

But enough of that. I'm going to work on the story, and email it to you (it'd be to hard to send it in a message to you here), probably a chapter at a time, probably in its original state untill I have time to tweak at it. If you still want to do that. Hey - A favor? - Could you pick up our yearbooks, mine and Chad's? I don't know if they'll let you or when that would be, but that would be cool.

So...Yeah. That's my message for now, I'll talk to you later, maybe give some life-updates, which I expect from you as well (or else). Tell me how things are going.

smiley - rosesmiley - smooch

Here Goes

Post 3


smiley - winkeye Ohh yah, my sentimental letter, and all you notice is my 'their' being 'they're'. smiley - biggrin lol, same ol' Weird yousmiley - ok.

Anyway, My internet is still on and off. My step dad still doesn't get the fact that his connection doesn't work. Anyway, it's fixed for now, and if all else fails I can still use the schools computer.

Your story made it on the front page!! Yes!!smiley - wow Except I totally missed it!! NO!!smiley - wah Well, you can send it to me. Agian, I'm not sure if I'll be able to read it, 'cause I'm not sure if or when my internet will crash, agian.(and I wouldn't be able to read it from school) But Hey, It doesn't hurt to send it.

I can attept to get your yearbooks, but agian I can't be certian (if I spelled that right) if I could get them. Still, if they through me out and and kill me for attempt-ive stealing (or something like that) then at least it would make some interesting story that I could post (in my next life, of course). That's how dull my days are without you guys heresmiley - sadface. Really you should experence the lunch hours, they are pathetic.

Anyway, as the above states there is not much in life. Well, lets seesmiley - erm: I have been named Athena in Mythology. I accually made it into the musical (then agian, everyone did this year) (I'm serious). I'm auditioning for one of the community play things, not that I expect to get in (the only part is not one I'd expect to get, stubborn Teenage girl). And Addict preformances are next weekend. All in all, that's about it. smiley - erm

Well, this is probebly the longest message I've posted, and I've done it in pitch dark, with full makeup on (trying to see what works for Addict), and with my dog endlessly begging and whinning (you know, that really high pitch whine) for my cheese sandwhich. smiley - sadface I want to go to bed!! smiley - wahAnd Sleep!! (which I haven't done well for the last 8 nightssmiley - brokenheart. But it's only 7:45pm that is WAY to early to go to sleep. well, not 'WAY' but 'way'. Ohhh, smiley - headhurtsthis has been a long week. I think I'm just going to post this (spelling errors and all) Because, I just can't think anymore, let alone type. smiley - online2long

Anyway, 'night,smiley - zzz
K. Ever smiley - rose

Here Goes

Post 4


Hello dearest darling girly of mine. What a lovely note you dropped me.

What's the musical? What part did you get? I work all next weekend and can't come to Addict (P.S. Who are you again? Name, drug, and method of demise, please.), boo-hoo. And you didn't miss my story, it's still there, under the Underguide section, way at the bottom on the right.

I brought my frogs to school and found out something new: one of them, at least, is a boy. I know this because when he was seperated from the other frog (I didn't have a container big enough for both, but I did have two containers big enough for one.), he started making noise. Like croaking, which only the males can do. It's super cool, but I hope it doesn't irritate my roommate. I imagine he'll get over his loneliness soon enough, like a puppy on its first few nights at home. I'm changing his name from Mandy (which is not masculine enough) to Mark (which is a little better). The other frog remains silent, prompting me to leave her name as Laura, for now. It's a very loud noise, I can't believe I've never heard it before. Maybe because it was in my fish tank, which is bigger and has thicker glass. The noise is excitingly cool, but it makes me kind of sad, because its probably prompted by the new environment (a pink vase with rocks and a muscle shell in the bottom) and the fact that the other frog is not with him. At least he has his muscle, though. It's his because I brought it home from Devil's Lake, and it lived in the frog side of my fish tank for a few weeks, and then my frogs cracked it open and ate it. True story. So I had to put the shell in with *Mark* because it belonged to him. The other frog has a glow-in-the-dark plant. Very cool.

So yeah, I'm sure you care and all, I will see you later. I'm emailing you Chapter 1 tonight (it's actually not chapter 1, it's a sort of prolouge.


P.S. Goodnight

Here Goes

Post 5


Yeh, I got chapter 1(or prolouge), and chapter 2(or Chapter 1).smiley - biggrin

I think I you've sent it to me before, I remember reading it. I love it, you know it would make an awsome kids book (with the poems and all). Although, you have a higher vocabulary then some kids would understand, but really, they should (and I suppose it's not that bad).

Anyway, in the musical I'm just part of the chorus, and in Addict I'm Jimmye, LSD, Drowned. I also kill the only person I ever cared about (a little boy(A.K.A Ben) whom I babysit, and one night I start Hallucinating and he gets so scared, he runs out of the house and falls off of a bridge. Later I hallucinate seeing him in the ocean, I try to save him and drowned). It sucks that you wont be there to see it, but I understand. smiley - erm

Also, I think it's kind of funny that your frog turned out to be male. That happened to me once, I got two birds, one named Woody and the other named Jake. As it turns out we had to sell Jake, because they wouldn't get along (I don't think Jake was treated well from his prevous owner), and later we got a call saying he was doing better, but was not a 'he'. On the account that Jake had layed eggs. So, as I hear it, they renamed her Jane and she's doing quite well with her new owners.

Well, I guess that's how it goes. Anyway, I must be cool to hear the sound of a frog every night. I love nature-istic sounds at night (ie, rain, storms, frogs, crickets, wind, ect.). As long as it doesn't annoy your roommate. What's it like anyway? Do you guys get along? Well, I have to go now. (I should be doing my math)

Love ya, smiley - winkeye
Kelsmiley - magic

Here Goes

Post 6


Yeah, having a roommate's not bad. We get along, but we're not fast friends or anything. I don't like her music, but she likes mine, so I don't say anything about it.

I like Samien's sound, too, but apperently it woke Allison (my roomie) up last night. I asked her to give him a week to get used to his new surroundings, then maybe he'd stop. If not, I'd keep him in cramped quarters with the other frog (Elle). If he doesn't stop even then, I'll have to take them home and keep them in my fish tank again.

Here Goes

Post 7


Oh yeah, I changed his name again from Mark (Warlike defender) to Samien (To be heard). I thought that would be more suitable.

Here Goes

Post 8


I have now found out that BOTH of my frogs are male, so I'm on a name hunt again. It turns out that I may have to take them home, too. They allow fish, but not frogs which dwell in fish tanks with fish and eat fish food and are therefor basicly fish with legs that make noise. So I could take them home and put them in my fish tank, or I could give them to you for a year (since you said you liked nature noises, I thought you might like them), until you have to go to college. So if I do have to give them up, do you want to foster-mom them?

Speaking of which, what college are you thinking about going to?

I think rather than revising my story, will have to do a rewrite based on my original versions. Please comment on my goop, good and bed. And bad (oops!).smiley - biggrinsmiley - kiss

Here Goes

Post 9


I think I'll name my other frog Loba, "To speak." So I have Loba and Samien, "To speak," and "To be heard." smiley - laugh

Here Goes

Post 10


My RA walked randomly into our room and saw my frogs, so now I'm being written up for it. No warning or anything. I'm not even allowed to keep them until I have the chance to take them home. I might try to smuggle them into Chad's room, as his RA doesn't just walk into his room. So when I dod take them home, do you want them for the year? I think you'd love them more than my parents. smiley - wahsmiley - wah, literally.

Here Goes

Post 11


So I can keep the frogs, they got okayed by a higher up. I still might have to get rid of them if they keep Allison up, though.

Here Goes

Post 12


"Loba and Samien, "To speak," and "To be heard."" -LOL, That's cute.

Anyway, That's weird that they'll let you have fish, but a frog is considered a problemsmiley - erm. It doesn't make sense to me. At least they were o.k.-ed, so now they have a fighting chance.
However, if they can't stay there then I won't mind taking them, but I'm not sure if I'm the best person, considering my room is an absolute mess right now. I'm afraid that they would escape and get lost, or scare Midnite. smiley - erm That probably wouldn't be good.
So hopefully there won’t be a problem, and they’ll be allowed to stay with you.

Well, I’m not sure what college I’m going to. I’ve checked out Edgewood, and I’ve considered Platview and Milwaukee (of course)smiley - biggrin. I’ll probably apply to all of them, and see who accepts me. Yet, with my GPA, that may be a problem. I don’t know.

I am really getting sick of writing “well” and “anyways” as the beginning of my paragraphs, but those are the only words that come to mind when I’m changing topic. Not that that has to do with anything. You really need to come down to see Addict, but “no” you have to be in college. Duh, who goes to college any more? (Sarcasm looks really weird written down, I’m realizing.)

Yesterday, we preformed for the middle school. Back to back shows, one for the 6th grade, and one for 7th and 8th grade (with lunch in between). It was really interesting; the 6th graders were the perfect audience (laughed where they were supposed to, and were gasping so much at some of the parts, Megan almost broke out laughing at one point). The 8th graders on the other hand were incredibly immature (laughing where they weren’t supposed to).

Most of the cast got really pissed off, but I assume that they were reacting normally for 8th graders. I think it’s the age where you can’t admit that something has gotten to you, so you laugh at it. Makes sense to me, but it can still be really annoying when you’re trying to get your point across. I was proud of myself though they didn’t interrupt my scene. Then again, I scare a little boy to death, and that can be pretty interesting. Overall, they’ve been good shows so far, and you should come and see it *cough (Friday at 7, and Sunday at 2) *ahem.

Anywaysmiley - winkeye, talk to ya later

Kel smiley - rose

Here Goes

Post 13


Ha, I think I've writing some of the longest letters in my life in these posts. This one being the shortest here. smiley - biggrin

Here Goes

Post 14


I wish I could come up, but I work tomorrow (sat), and the car owner (Chad) works sunday, so I can't come and see it. If I had known, I would have asked off, I'm sorry. Anyway, keep me updated. I will see you later.

Here Goes

Post 15



I have shingles smiley - hangoversmiley - yuk, which is like the chicken pox smiley - wah, and is brought on by stress. The smiley - doctor said that if I take my medicine like a good girl, it'll go away in a week, and if I don't it'll go away in 2-3 weeks. He can't do anything about it burning like mad, though. He said I'll either get it once and never again smiley - smiley or it will come back every time I get stressedsmiley - sadface

Well, I'm sure you're facinated by my rashes and all, but that's really all the news I have, and I must smiley - run, so until later, smiley - kiss and smiley - loveblush, with a little smiley - bubbly on the side. I wish you all the happines that smiley - coffee, smiley - cake, and smiley - choc can buy.

smiley - rose

Here Goes

Post 16


- Nosmiley - sadface

-YES!!smiley - winkeye

-Shingles?smiley - erm

-stresssmiley - hug "ohh" .....................smiley - tickleHA HA (bet you didn't see that comming)smiley - winkeye

-smiley - boingmuah ha ha Ha Ha HA HA!!!(evil laugh)smiley - whistle

-smiley - tongueoutsmiley - bubbly, andsmiley - tea, andsmiley - cake, andsmiley - choc!! .. "mmm".

P.S. The show was great, I think the middle school was our best audience. Then agian they all knew each other so they weren't afraid to react out loud. Although, something cool happened to me the other day (I really mean 3 days ago), I was at McDonalds and some one came up to me and asked me if I was in the drama, By the look of her she must have been in 8th grade, but it was really cool! She said she enjoyed the play so much she saw it twice. She even remembered ny characters name.
I mean, I understand it when someone comes up to me right after the plays, or at school when they see me. But almost a week after the play, and at McDonalds. smiley - winkeyeThat was pretty cool.

Anyway that's all I have to say for now,
Kelsmiley - loveblush

smiley - bubbly, to you too
(andsmiley - tea, andsmiley - cake, andsmiley - choc, andsmiley - strawberry, and...)

Here Goes

Post 17


When I worked at McDonald's, I was working dirvethrough one day, and this van full of kids comes to the window, and a girl in the back seat screams. I'm thinking "Ah! a spider!" but no, I am just that creepy. True story. (She recognized me as saddness)

Thanks for the smiley - strawberry, It was delicious.

Here Goes

Post 18


smiley - laugh That's Awsome! It's strange that they seem to happen at McDonalds. Maybe it's something to do with the interdimentional doorway there (that leads to my washing maching). (but only on thursdays.)
It can be a pretty big mess, you know with the fish jumping everywhere and the cat in the backyard screaming (the best way a cat can scream) lord knows its had enough practice, right? Then agian that's not untill tomarro, Which will be an exact week from last thursday (which was Pirate Day at school... arrg). Although I missed in because I was sick. That kind of sucked, because it was the only day I was looking forward to. ohh well, it happens. Anyway, I love strawberries. so when I saw that they had them here I had to share them. smiley - winkeye

Weel toast,
kelsmiley - cheerup

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