This is a Journal entry by Nhi Vanye i Chya

work, sleep, work...

Post 1

Nhi Vanye i Chya

hello again all,

well, all i seem to do at the moment is work, sleep, work again with just a few hours in-between to relax and think of other things. not that i'm moaning... the alternative is to be sat at home with far more leisure time that i desire! a little rest would be nice though...

spent an inordinate amount of time over the weekend getting a speech recognition system working on my poor old tired p.c. amazing how technology comes on, and yet doesn't quite make it... amazing how many times you say "dear sir, regarding my communication of the 14th" and how many times the computer decodes it as "door seal, my hovercraft is full of eels." (nod of homage to monty python there).

ho hum


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work, sleep, work...

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