This is a Journal entry by John Doe

Meet in Paris

Post 1

John Doe

Why not have a meeting in Paris as well? Not really that much further than Birmingham for some, and more inspiring.

Meet in Paris

Post 2


smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok and the food and drink are a lot better!

Meet in Paris

Post 3

John Doe

Oh yes and spring blossom Clarissa?smiley - biggrin

Meet in Paris

Post 4


and Paris is just that much more beautiful than Birmingham! smiley - magic

Meet in Paris

Post 5

John Doe

And it even has a " plage" in the summer lol

Meet in Paris

Post 6


Chestnut trees in bloom along the boulevards, the Seine, the bridges, the Quartier Latin - oh to be in Paris with Spring coming along soon...Carefree lovers hand in hand strolling along, stopping to kiss in public and who cares, the bouquinistes rive gauche...
Oh John D., my heart aches...

Meet in Paris

Post 7

John Doe

Sit out in the terraces of the cafes in Saint Germain, watch and be watched, squeeze the warm hand of your loved one, be serenaded with manouche music in Les Halles, dance all night in Montparnasse, stroll down to Saint Michel early in the morning for a coffee and croissant sleep all morning and start again at the Cafe de la Paix in front of the Opera.

Meet in Paris

Post 8


smiley - wah

Meet in Paris

Post 9

John Doe

smiley - cheerupsmiley - bubbly

Meet in Paris

Post 10


smiley - redwine for me please - and not the nouveau Beaujolais, a right rip off...A good Bordeaux in a small bistro with the patronne either in the kitchen or at the cash desk...

Meet in Paris

Post 11

John Doe

What about lait chaud?smiley - biggrin

Meet in Paris

Post 12


I'll stick to the Bordeaux...Or perhaps un chocolat chaud au Deux Magots?

Meet in Paris

Post 13

John Doe

Lait chaud used to be the favourite rum with milk at the rhumerie but yes the Deux Magots is ok but not for a young boy like me lol

Meet in Paris

Post 14


The Deux Magots is desperately expensive but great for a treat and watching the world go by...Better than Le Flore next door which might be a bit dangerous smiley - biggrin
Banieue? West? Neuilly, St. Cloud, further out? That's where most of the British expats I knew seemed to live...

Meet in Paris

Post 15

John Doe

I was a habitue of the deux magots. There was never much to go for in the flore. Park my car opposite then go down towards the Odeon then back to the deux magots full of tourists. They seem to put the seats close together to help draguer les americaines?

Meet in Paris

Post 16


Odéon - the wonderful cinemas. Paris city of light and les frères Lumière... Best movie town in the world. London being the best by far for theatre.

Meet in Paris

Post 17

John Doe

Life's too short Clarissa you best get back here girl smiley - biggrin

Meet in Paris

Post 18


Would that I there a smiley for a wry smile? Would be suitable here.

Meet in Paris

Post 19

John Doe

smiley - sadface

Meet in Paris

Post 20

John Doe

Congrats for what you're doing to save GW you have some real contacts to work on. I don't even have an MP lol. Good luck!

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